Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keeping an Eye on Things

From time to time, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) offers hints which we hope will help our affiliates to build stronger businesses. This post is another in that on-going series.

TSC prides itself on the quality and integrity of its courses. As wise business owners, we're sure you'll agree that these attributes lead to satisfied traffic school customers. And satisfied customers lead to repeat and referral business!

One important aspect of integrity is the classroom environment offered by your traffic school. Instructors and their actions and demeanor are critical components of the classroom environment. One of the most common infractions committed by instructors is dismissing a class early. We understand that it's easy to lose track of time when the jokes start flying, but it is important that students receive the full amount of instruction time required by law.

It is essential that instructors know and observe all DHSMV rules and regulations. Violations could result in fines and other punitive actions—even the revocation of your license to offer traffic safety education courses in the state of Florida. Violations are also a breach of the affiliate contract that you signed with TSC.

TSC occassionally engages in random, undercover audits of classes that it offers. We encourage you to make use of this technique to monitor your own instructors now and then. It's an effective and easy way to protect your business, and it will offer you the opportunity to proactively mentor instructors who may be experiencing any sort of problem in the classroom.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day

Florida Governor Charlie Crist has issued an official proclamation declaring Friday, October 10, the Eighth Annual Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day.

Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day is a national event initiated by many partner organizations who are working to lower the number of deaths that occur on our nation's roadways. The coalition's efforts to reduce fatalities address the need for improvements to our roadways, our vehicles, and basic driver behavior. Anyone willing to participate is invited to become involved with the project, and the official website includes safety tips, fact sheets, an event toolkit, and more.

As traffic safety education providers whose educational mission is to help students to become safer drivers and to save lives, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., and its affiliates are proud to do our part. We encourage you to take advantage of the resources available to you on the official Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day website. And, of course, we encourage you to stress to your students—each and every day in class—the need to drive safely and defensively. Their lives may depend on it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Change'll Do You Good!

As your traffic safety education curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants (TSC) strives to keep current with all legislative updates pertaining to traffic school. While the latest revision does not affect the traffic safety education curriculum, it may directly impact your business. Therefore, we wanted to make you aware of the change.

As a provider of traffic safety education, you're well aware that citizens of the State of Florida are allowed to attend a DHSMV-approved Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course for the purpose of removing points from their driving record. Under previous law, drivers could attend no more than once per year, and no more than five times in their lifetime. A modification to Florida Statute 318.14(9) allows motorists the opportunity to attend a BDI course no more than five times in a ten-year period. (The once-per-year limitation still stands.)

In a perfect world, traffic school would be completely unnecessary. And, naturally, we always hope that our message of safe, defensive driving sticks with each and every one of our students. However, the fact is that people occasionally make mistakes and we will get some repeat business. This legislative update makes it easier for Floridians to attend traffic school and improve their driving techniques!