It's easy enough to do. Students can jot down the information you give them incorrectly. Or the calendar application on their smart phone could do something funky (computers!). They might even have mistakenly signed up for the wrong course. Whatever the reason, students may attend only the course that fulfills their needs—and, as an instructor, it's your job to ensure that they do.
Be aware that the DHSMV is constantly monitoring the operations of traffic safety education providers. Making sure that students have completed the correct type of course (and are issued the proper certificate) is one of their primary checks. Please be aware that an instructor may never combine two separate courses into one class—even if both sets of students show up. In the event that this happens, the instructor may teach only the class that was actually scheduled, and must send the other students away. Lesson plans are approved by the DHSMV, and must be taught as submitted; material from separate lesson plans may never be combined.