According to the latest statistics (2007) 491,688 drivers were cited that year for running a red light or stop sign in the state of Florida—almost 1350 violations per day! Some of these violations undoubtedly occurred at empty intersections, and most were likely unintentional. But it's not difficult to imagine the serious damage that could be caused by a driver entering high-speed cross-traffic!
Because of the danger of such incidents, the State of Florida has instituted steps to crack down on drivers who—either intentionally or simply through a lack of attention—run a red light. Motorists who are cited for running a red light for the second time in twelve months, and who did not complete a traffic safety course following the first incident, are now required by law to complete a DHSMV-approved 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement course.
We have updated our corporate website to alert prospective students that TSC's 4-hour BDI course will satisfy the new "Red Light Course" requirements. Those changes are reflected in the course listing on's homepage (view homepage) and on the pertinent interior pages (e.g., view the Traffic School Book page). If you would like to add similar notices to your site, please email Justin from out IT Department for assistance.