- Answer customer service inquiries in a timely manner. What's always been good advice is even more applicable in the online world of instant gratification. This doesn't mean that you have to be on social media 24/7 (like when you're driving down the road, as so many of your customers are). But it does mean that you need to consistently monitor your accounts so you can respond to questions and comments. Build this into your daily routine. A quick response goes a long way toward making customers feel valued.
- Don't erase complaints; resolve them. Customers sometimes air their grievances on your social network for all to see. Your first inclination may be to erase negative interactions. But if your customers are allowed to see that you're actively resolving issues, the upside can be incredible. Most people understand that problems occasionally come up; by handling them openly and fairly, you show all of your customers that great service is a top priority.
- Consider a dedicated support channel for Twitter. People flock—pun intended—to Twitter to ask questions and raise concerns. If you're getting a lot of customer service activity on your "main" Twitter handle (which you'd rather keep open to share news, promotional content, etc.), you might consider a dedicated support-only handle. Be sure to list your support Twitter handle on the Contact Us/Support page on your website and/or Facebook page. (Don't forget to monitor this handle for activity! If you have a support person or team, give them access to manage that account specifically.)
- Remember to check Facebook Messages and Posts to Page. Two Facebook features you'll need to stay on top of with regard to customer service are Messages and Posts to Page. Anyone, whether they "like" your page or not, can reach out to your business with a question or concern via Messages (page administrators are notified of these, or they can be accessed via the Messages link in the "This Week" box on the right-hand side of your page). Any comments made in the Posts to Page section are public on a Facebook business page, but these will not show up in your news feed; monitor these in the lower left-hand side of your page.
- Be nice! As on the roadway, a good attitude and pleasant demeanor can do wonders to improve almost any situation. If you remain congenial and helpful, most people will respond positively—and others will want to make use of your services, too.
Adding social media to your customer service mix is a great way to serve your customers and attract new prospects. Once things are up and running, it's easy to slip these activities into your daily schedule, and the results can be rewarding.