Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Florida Third-Party Testing Regulations

As your traffic safety curriculum/services provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is passing along the following reminder from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) regarding activities prohibited to providers and re-sellers of the "Third-Party Testing" (Driver's Permit Test Online) program:

APPOINTMENTS FOR DRIVER LICENSE SERVICES: The Third-Party Administrator may not secure appointments for driver license services on behalf of the applicant. The [DHSMV]'s driver license appointment system was designed to give public access to driver license services. Manipulating the appointment system for financial gain such as selling appointments is strictly prohibited.

As a reminder, any violation of this or any other regulatory stipulations will result in the immediate termination of the applicable sections of your affiliate licensing agreement with TSC (viz., the "Driver Permit Test Online" provisions, in the above-mentioned case).

Please contact Donna (800 . 252 . 9951) if you have any questions regarding this policy.