Thursday, December 19, 2024

Virginia Curriculum Update

As your curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) strives to ensure that we furnish you with the latest and most up-to-date educational materials. As such, we have revised our driver improvement clinic curricula to account for the update to the minimum finanacial responsibility (auto insurance) requirements. The new limits will go into effect for Virginia motorists on January 1, 2025.

Internet Curriculum Updated

TSC has already updated the internet-based program, and your students are being presented the new material now. No further action is required for this modality.

Classroom Curriculum

Those of you who are delivering classroom instruction must ensure that you teach students the updated curriculum. You can access all of the latest curriculum materials for download via the Classroom Materials page on your affiliate administrative Web portal (login required). The files are available now, and you should begin using the updated materials immediately.

Please make sure that you and/or any instructors you employ are explaining the new laws to students and distributing the latest versions of the classroom materials, as you will be responsible for teaching/testing students on this new material!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

California Regulatory Changes

Good news: TVSs no longer need
to worry about mailing quarterly
reports to the DMV!

On November 1, 2024, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) adopted some updated regulations that affect traffic violator schools (TVSs).

The change that will impact normal operations the most is that TVSs no longer need to mail quarterly reports (including the student-completed Traffic Violator Course Evaluations (form OL 767)) to the DMV. Schools will still need to generate and maintain the paperwork as they always have. But the new requirement is to simply retain those files for a minimum of three years and to make them available for inspection upon DMV request.

Some regulations governing TVS names and instructor licensing have also been updated.

You can read the details of the enacted changes here. And all of the paperwork related to this regulatory update is available via the DMV's website (you'll have to look for the "Traffic Violator Schools" header to find this information).

And, of course, the TVS Operator professional educational programs and the Instructor continuing education seminars from Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) have been revised to reflect these new regulations. You can always get the latest regulatory information regarding TVS operations from our helpful professional/continuing education courses!

Monday, December 2, 2024

New York Lesson Plan Updates

As your traffic safety education curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is always committed to providing the finest and most up-to-date instructional materials available.

Nearly a month ago, the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) quietly revised its point system for traffic violations—so quietly, in fact, that despite the November 6 rollout, the DMV’s website hasn’t yet been updated.

This change will be discussed in more detail at the upcoming biannual seminar, but the revised curriculum components are available to you for download now. (Specifically, this applies to the Lesson Plan (pages 128 – 129) and slide presentation; the workbook files have also been updated to reflect the revised copyright date, but the instructional content has not changed and you may use older versions already in print.)

Those of you who are delivering classroom instruction must ensure that you teach students the updated curriculum. You can access all of the latest curriculum materials for download via the Classroom Materials page on your affiliate administrative Web portal (login required). The files are available now, and you should begin using the updated materials immediately.

Please make sure that you and/or any instructors you employ are explaining the new laws to students and distributing the latest versions of the classroom materials, as you will be responsible for teaching/testing students on this new material!