Monday, December 27, 2010

Ring In the New Year Right!

The new year is a time for revelry and renewal—not for an arrest for driving under the influence of controlled substances. Be sure to remind your students that now is a good time to start considering their transportation options if they'll be going out to celebrate New Year's Eve. After all, the penalties for DUI are getting harsher every year—and rightly so: roughly a third of motor vehicle fatalities involve an intoxicated driver, and the number is substantially higher during the winter holidays.

Earlier this month, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood highlighted the new "No Refusal" strategy that a number of states are employing to put an end to drunk driving. The "No Refusal" program allows law enforcement officers to quickly obtain warrants from "on call" judges in order to take blood samples from suspected intoxicated drivers who refuse a breathalyzer test. (The latest data show that the states with the highest refusal rates included New Hampshire at 81%, Massachusetts at 41%, Florida at 40%, Louisiana at 39%, and Ohio at 38%.) States that have adopted "No Refusal" programs report more guilty pleas, fewer trials, and more convictions.

What can drivers do to avoid a DUI—and, likely as not, save their lives or the lives of others? They can avoid driving after they've consumed alcohol or other intoxicating substances. Some alternatives include:
  • Have a designated driver accompany their party.
  • Take a cab, bus, train, etc.
  • Call a sober friend for a ride home.
  • Stay overnight at or near where they are consuming.
  • Celebrate the New Year with activities that do not involve alcohol or drugs.
Also, some taxi services and auto clubs sponsor anti-DUI programs on New Year's Eve, but the details vary. Fortunately, there are still a few days left to investigate these services before they're really needed!

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