Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Simplified Guide to SEO

It doesn't have to be this complicated!
We've published to this blog many useful posts about Web marketing, including information about social media and search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns. This is because—particularly as more and more students attend online traffic safety education courses—Internet marketing is a primary means of driving business to your school. If you've already incorporated some of those tips into your marketing efforts, good for you and keep up the great work; we hope you've seen a bump in your business!

But if you haven't yet taken steps to boost your Web traffic, why haven't you? It's probably because some of the concepts can be hard to understand, or because you think the changes will be too difficult to implement on your site.

That's why we wanted to share this simplified guide to SEO. In addition to an easy-to-understand, step-by-step infographic, the article also contains links to a few other helpful pieces to get you started on the road to an optimized website.

So, what are you waiting for? Just a few simple tweaks could start sending more traffic—and more traffic safety students—your way!

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