Sunday, February 21, 2016

Magic Marketing Words!

We all know that language can influence emotions and persuade action. But unless you're a professional copywriter—or at least an amateur wordsmith—it can be tough to know how to get started. Different motivating words and phrases work better in different situations, of course, but the following article from marketing services provider Vertical Response offers some helpful hints. Check it out and get your marketing efforts off to a successful start!

The 30 Magic Marketing Words You Should Be Using

Friday, February 19, 2016

New California Laws for 2016

A new year brings new traffic laws to California. Several new laws will take effect in 2016. As a provider of traffic violator school (TVS) instruction, you should familiarize yourself with these changes so you can provide proper education and assistance to your students.

Internet Curriculum Update

As your curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) has already updated the Internet-based curriculum, and your students are using it now. No further action is required for this modality.

Booklet Curriculum Update

Those of you who are offering the home study booklet must ensure that you are providing students with updated curriculum materials. Download from the CA Course Provider administrative website (login required) the latest final exam forms and answer keys, available now, and begin using those immediately.

The copyright notice is at the
bottom of the Table of Contents page.
The next order of books that you receive from TSC will be the latest edition. You may continue to use "old" booklets from your inventory. However, if the bottom of the Table of Contents page of a book that you are sending to a student does not have a 2016 copyright (see example picture), you must include a "booklet insert" (available for download from the CA Course Provider Administration website) in the packet.

Make sure that you ship the latest versions of the home study booklet (or include an insert) and testing materials, as you will be responsible for teaching/testing students on this new material!

Classroom Curriculum

Those of you who are delivering classroom instruction must ensure that you are teaching students the updated curriculum. Download the electronic files from the CA Course Provider administrative website (login required) for the latest Lesson Plan updates (normally we would provide the modified pages only, but this year's update includes the complete Lesson Plan due to substantial repagination), Safe Driving Journal (student and instructor versions), and final exam forms/answer keys. The files are available now, and you should begin using the updated materials immediately.

Make sure that you and/or any instructors you employ are explaining the new laws to students and distributing the latest versions of the classroom materials, as you will be responsible for teaching/testing students on this new material!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Internet Infrastructure Maintenance

Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) has been informed by our Web server hosting provider that Internet service to their facility will be disrupted due to scheduled maintenance. The expected downtime will occur on Wednesday, February 17, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. (PT), though service may not be out for that entire duration.

This schedule maintenance will leave all of TSC's Web-based programs and services unavailable during that time. Internet-based students will not be able to access traffic school reading material or tests during that time, and your online traffic school administrative tools will likewise be inaccessible. No changes are being made directly to TSC's hardware or software systems, and full functionality should return immediately once Internet access to the facility is restored.

TSC's IT team is working to present a notification banner that will display for students of our Internet-based programs warning them of the system downtime. This banner will display to students accessing Internet-based programs for a few days prior to the event.

No action is required on your part. TSC is simply informing you as a courtesy and so you can offer an explanation in the unlikely event that a student should affected.