Monday, February 8, 2016

Internet Infrastructure Maintenance

Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) has been informed by our Web server hosting provider that Internet service to their facility will be disrupted due to scheduled maintenance. The expected downtime will occur on Wednesday, February 17, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. (PT), though service may not be out for that entire duration.

This schedule maintenance will leave all of TSC's Web-based programs and services unavailable during that time. Internet-based students will not be able to access traffic school reading material or tests during that time, and your online traffic school administrative tools will likewise be inaccessible. No changes are being made directly to TSC's hardware or software systems, and full functionality should return immediately once Internet access to the facility is restored.

TSC's IT team is working to present a notification banner that will display for students of our Internet-based programs warning them of the system downtime. This banner will display to students accessing Internet-based programs for a few days prior to the event.

No action is required on your part. TSC is simply informing you as a courtesy and so you can offer an explanation in the unlikely event that a student should affected.

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