Thursday, October 5, 2017

Marketing Using Themed Promotions

Marketing research suggests that themed promotional campaigns tend to have higher conversion rates than non-themed campaigns. Themed promotions, then, represent an excellent opportunity to attract attention—and customers—to your traffic safety school.

Holidays present an obvious opportunity for a themed campaign, and many businesses take advantage of these occasions. But because the competition for attention is fierce around general holidays, your ad may get lost in all of the noise. This isn't to say that you should avoid running promotions around the holidays, of course. But other events might provide just the opening you need to get your message out in a way that ties in nicely with your product.

A number of events relate very nicely with the theme of traffic safety education. Consider these opportunities to promote your school:
  • Distracted Driving Awareness Month - April
  • National Impaired Driving Prevention Month - December
  • Global Youth Traffic Safety Month - May
  • National Teen Driver Safety Week - third week of October
  • Bicycle Safety Month - May
  • National Pedestrian Safety Month - June

A number of events could also be associated with specific modalities:
  • Online Courses
    • International Internet Day - May 17
    • Internet Day - October 29
  • Booklet Courses
    • National Book Month - January
    • National Literacy Month - September
    • International Literacy Day - September 8
  • General/Classroom
    • American Education Week - mid-November

The events noted above are national or global affairs, but many local jurisdictions hold similar happenings to promote traffic safety or other worthwhile initiatives.

Be on the lookout for any tie-in opportunities that you can use to get the word out about your business!

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