Wednesday, June 27, 2018

TVCC Connectivity Updates

Traffic Safety Consultants' (TSC) IT systems are experiencing connectivity issues interacting with the California DMV's Traffic Violator Course Completion (TVCC) database systems under the new national SLS (data transmission security) requirements. Other providers are experiencing similar difficulties with electronic completion reporting submissions being rejected.

TSC is currently working to implement a solution, and we expect to have the situation resolved within 48 hours.

In the interim, TSC will be resubmitting rejected submissions, via a secondary system, on your behalf. Therefore, all student completion submissions are now being submitted and accepted—even though you may continue to receive submission rejection email notices via the primary system until the situation is fully resolved.

As always, you will be able to verify student progress and completion submission status via your account on the CA Course Provider administrative website (login required). Note that some affiliates have experienced problems to sign in to the CA Course Provider website; use the link provided here or make sure that you are using the URL  [ ]  (remember to update any bookmarks you've created!) to successfully access your administrative account.

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