Friday, September 27, 2019

Curriculum Update for 2019

As noted in a previous post on this blog, Michigan's Driver Responsibility Fee (DRF) program is being terminated, effective October 1, 2019.

In preparation for this imminent change, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) has updated all modalities (Internet- and classroom-based) of its Michigan Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC) curriculum. Per direction from the Department of State (DoS), now-irrelevant DRF information has been excised from the course and will no longer be presented to BDIC students.

TSC has already updated the Internet-based curriculum, and your students are using it now. No further action is required for this modality.

For complete information on this topic, visit the DoS web page for Driver Responsibility, and see especially this publication (PDF) from the DoS.

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