Friday, July 10, 2020

New TVS Regs in Effect (AB 708 Update)

New Regulations

This blog post is simply a reminder from your curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) that the provisions established by AB 708 have gone into effect, as of July 1, 2020. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will be enforcing the new rules when regulators visit each traffic violator school (TVS) office for an inspection/audit.

The principal changes involve a TVS having:
  • a bond of $15,000
  • an office or place of business
    • of a minimum of 100 square feet
    • that is not located within 50 feet of another TVS

Good News for the Industry

Despite the disruption caused by these changes, the end result promises to be a positive development for the traffic school industry as a whole!

TSC recognizes that recent times have been tough for TVSs. Between the effects imposed by COVID-19 (on all Californians) and the manipulation of the DMV's official Traffic School List by some unscrupulous players in the industry, we understand that some schools have struggled remain viable. We would like to take this opportunity, however, to encourage you to just hold tight. As we emerge from the pandemic and as the effects of these new regulations improve the situation with the DMV's official list, attendance at your schools should increase and your numbers improve!

Here's to a healthy TVS industry in California and success to us all!

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