Monday, January 23, 2023

TVCC Currently Unresponsive

[UPDATE:] TVCC access was restored by the middle of the evening. Please remember to check your student records for rejections and resubmit those that did not go through!

As your traffic safety education curriculum services provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is posting this communication to let you know that the Traffic Violator Course Completion (TVCC) database of the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is currently unresponsive to our online systems. This outage started at approximately 3:40 p.m. (PT) on January 23, 2023.

We will publish an update to this blog when the system is confirmed back online.

Remember to check your completion rejections for the affected time and resubmit via the CA Course Provider administrative website (login required). And remember that, if customers inquire, their actual completion time (as recorded by our administrative systems) is the time that will be reported to DMV; so long as they passed the course before their due date, their completion will be reported as valid.

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