Thursday, March 14, 2024

Classroom Video Downloads Available

For some time, traffic violator schools (TVSs) and driver education (driver ed) schools have been able to download classroom (and booklet) printed curriculum materials via their CA Course Provider administrative website (login required) account. As your curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is pleased to have made available in this manner regular curriculum updates and permanent access to the latest curriculum materials for convenient retrieval as needed.

Going forward, all videos for classroom presentation will similarly be available for download. Access them via the new "Classroom Videos" tab on your account home page. There are sections for TVS – English, TVS – Spanish, and Driver Education.

Note that some titles are duplicated across the courses, but the content is not always exactly the same due to regulatory requirements. If you are teaching multiple courses, please make sure that you download the correct videos for each course!

You'll never have to worry about contacting TSC to get a new video tape/disc again. Simply download these video files directly to your computer, and you're ready to screen them in class!

(If you have trouble playing the video files (e.g., you're using Windows Media Player), we recommend downloading and installing the free, powerful, and widely recommended VLC media player (also available via the Microsoft Store).)

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