Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Time for Reflection and Anticipation

Looking back on 2008, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) would like to thank you for your business. We're proud of our traffic safety education products and services, and we're glad that you've selected TSC as your provider! We'd also like to remind you of the legislative changes enacted in 2008 which affect drivers and traffic schools.

With the holidays approaching, now might be a good time to reinforce to your students the fact that drinking and driving is not only illegal, but extremely dangerous! If you want a quick refresher, check out this summary of Florida's DUI laws (en español). To avoid problems with the law, drivers should have a strategy in mind before they head out the door. (Remember that judgement is the first thing affected by alcohol consumption!) Here are some tips:
  • Have a designated driver accompany you.
  • Use alternative transportation (cab, bus, train, etc.). Several organizations—including AAA— offer rides to those in need on New Year's Eve.
  • Call a friend for a ride home.
  • Stay overnight at or near where you are consuming.
  • Engage in activities that do not involve alcohol or drugs.

And peering into the future, we'd like to remind you that TSC is hard at work preparing to roll out some exciting new business opportunities in 2009. We'll be in touch, but you can always check the "TSC Affiliate News" blog for the latest updates!

TSC hopes that you take care of yourselves, and that you have a...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keeping an Eye on Things

From time to time, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) offers hints which we hope will help our affiliates to build stronger businesses. This post is another in that on-going series.

TSC prides itself on the quality and integrity of its courses. As wise business owners, we're sure you'll agree that these attributes lead to satisfied traffic school customers. And satisfied customers lead to repeat and referral business!

One important aspect of integrity is the classroom environment offered by your traffic school. Instructors and their actions and demeanor are critical components of the classroom environment. One of the most common infractions committed by instructors is dismissing a class early. We understand that it's easy to lose track of time when the jokes start flying, but it is important that students receive the full amount of instruction time required by law.

It is essential that instructors know and observe all DHSMV rules and regulations. Violations could result in fines and other punitive actions—even the revocation of your license to offer traffic safety education courses in the state of Florida. Violations are also a breach of the affiliate contract that you signed with TSC.

TSC occassionally engages in random, undercover audits of classes that it offers. We encourage you to make use of this technique to monitor your own instructors now and then. It's an effective and easy way to protect your business, and it will offer you the opportunity to proactively mentor instructors who may be experiencing any sort of problem in the classroom.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day

Florida Governor Charlie Crist has issued an official proclamation declaring Friday, October 10, the Eighth Annual Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day.

Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day is a national event initiated by many partner organizations who are working to lower the number of deaths that occur on our nation's roadways. The coalition's efforts to reduce fatalities address the need for improvements to our roadways, our vehicles, and basic driver behavior. Anyone willing to participate is invited to become involved with the project, and the official website includes safety tips, fact sheets, an event toolkit, and more.

As traffic safety education providers whose educational mission is to help students to become safer drivers and to save lives, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., and its affiliates are proud to do our part. We encourage you to take advantage of the resources available to you on the official Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day website. And, of course, we encourage you to stress to your students—each and every day in class—the need to drive safely and defensively. Their lives may depend on it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Change'll Do You Good!

As your traffic safety education curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants (TSC) strives to keep current with all legislative updates pertaining to traffic school. While the latest revision does not affect the traffic safety education curriculum, it may directly impact your business. Therefore, we wanted to make you aware of the change.

As a provider of traffic safety education, you're well aware that citizens of the State of Florida are allowed to attend a DHSMV-approved Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course for the purpose of removing points from their driving record. Under previous law, drivers could attend no more than once per year, and no more than five times in their lifetime. A modification to Florida Statute 318.14(9) allows motorists the opportunity to attend a BDI course no more than five times in a ten-year period. (The once-per-year limitation still stands.)

In a perfect world, traffic school would be completely unnecessary. And, naturally, we always hope that our message of safe, defensive driving sticks with each and every one of our students. However, the fact is that people occasionally make mistakes and we will get some repeat business. This legislative update makes it easier for Floridians to attend traffic school and improve their driving techniques!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Products Arrive with "Direct Deposit"

Exciting New Courses

Traffic Safety Consultants is in the process of transitioning its product line to courses that we have developed in-house. TSC is pleased to now offer:
  • 8-Hour Intermediate Course - Internet
  • 8-Hour Intermediate Course - classroom
  • 8-Hour Aggressive Course - classroom
  • First Time Driver (TLSAE) Course - classroom

If you are not already registered to offer these expertly designed new courses, contact TSC's Director of Affiliate Programs Gloria Verver at 1-800-252-9488 or via email at


Of course, change begets change. If you've been offering the old 8-Hour Intermediate - Internet course (TSC's resell of ASC's course), there will be a slight change in operational procedures. Moneys obtained from the sale of the new 8-Hour Intermediate Internet course will go directly to your Internet payment gateway, minus the cost of TSC's completion seal. (Note that this applies only to Internet courses.) In short, you'll no longer have to wait until the end of the month for a check from TSC to realize your profits. The money goes directly into your pocket!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Reading List

It's that time again: summer…with all of its glory! Nothing to do but sit back, enjoy the sun—or the shade, and read a couple of good books. Will it be Sail by James Patterson and Howard Roughan, or Stephanie Meyer's The Host this year? Or, perhaps Three Cups of Tea is more your, well…cup of tea.

Sometimes summer also means traffic school—and that's where you can help! Try recommending TSC's Traffic School Book to your customers to help them fill out their summer reading lists. This Oopra's Book Club selection and Nu Yawk Times' Best Seller promises to be a gripping thrill ride. (Coincidentally, it could be the desire for that level of entertainment that got your students in trouble in the first place!)

No one wants to be bound (if you'll excuse the pun) to a computer terminal or stuck in a stuffy classroom on a beautiful summer day. Now, bookworms can take traffic school in their back yard, at the park, at the beach…wherever they're headed this summer. Traffic School Book allows students to complete their traffic school obligation at their own pace and at times that are convenient for them. It's an easy-to-read page turner, and the driving related humor makes it as fun as any pulp romance or spy thriller!

Don't forget the brand-new Spanish version, Libro de la escuela de tráfico, now available as a first edition. Our affiliates have had great success with this exciting Spanish language product. To place your orders for this contemporary masterpiece, contact Donna in the corporate office ( or 1-800-252-9951).

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

TSC's New Product
Release Extravaganza

Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., is proud to announce the official release of its long-awaited Libro de la escuela de tráfico, the Spanish translation of our first-of-its-kind Traffic School Book! This innovative booklet course is currently in physical production and will be shipping soon. To place your orders for this great new product, please contact Donna in our corporate office ( or 1-800-252-9951).

We are also pleased to be able to offer our newly approved "Alcohol, Drug, and Traffic Education Seminar." This Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) classroom program—also known as the "First Time Driver Course"—is required by the DHSMV of everyone wishing to obtain a learner's driver's license from the State of Florida. All of the curriculum materials, including the Lesson Plan/Instructor Manual, Flipcharts, and classroom DVDs, will be provided to you free of charge. John and Donna will be contacting you soon to arrange training so you can be certified to deliver this exciting new course. To kick off the release of this new product, we are offering our affiliates TEN FREE STUDENT COMPLETION SEALS with their first order!

Lastly, Out-of-State Referral links have been added to your websites. These links allow prospective students who have received tickets in California or Virginia to connect to TSC's programs in those states—while you get credit for the referral! The links are now active, and you can track your referrals via ASAP. Keep an eye out for other states to be added soon!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Take Your Traffic School on a Road Trip!

Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is excited to officially kick off its Out-of-State Referral Program. The concept is simple: the program allows you to collect a referral fee for every graduated student who links from your website to a TSC operation in another state. This is an outstanding growth opportunity, as it can generate instant income with no additional effort on your part.

How It Works. The process is straightforward. Just add a link to your website for visitors who have received a citation in states served by TSC (see below for details). As your provider, we’ll even perform the update to your website for you. For any referred student who graduates from one of our out-of-state traffic safety education courses, we’ll reward you for your referral with a “finder’s fee.”

How to Take Advantage. Most of you have already been personally contacted about this great new program by Gloria Verver, our Director of Affiliate Programs. If you haven’t heard from Gloria yet, you will soon! Participation in the program requires you to sign an addendum to your Affiliate Licensing Agreement. You’ll also need to add a referral link to your website (again, we’ll be happy to help you with the update procedure). It’s that easy! And, if you can’t wait for Gloria’s call to get started, you can contact her at 800-252-9488 or via e-mail at

What It Does for You. TSC currently operates traffic safety education programs in California and Virginia. We’re preparing to enter New York and New Jersey very soon, and we’ll expand to other states as conditions allow. By participating in our Out-of-State Referral Program, you’ll have access to TSC’s nationwide network of Internet traffic schools. Best of all, this program means that you can serve more students--and reap the financial rewards of increased business. In essence, you can expand your traffic school enterprise...with no extra work on your part!

So, what are you waiting for? Take your traffic school on a coast-to-coast road trip today!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Save Gas, Save Lives!

Since Congress repealed the national speed limit law in 1995, 32 states have raised speed limits to 70 mph or higher on some portion of their highway systems, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). With gas prices spiraling out of control, however, a return to slower speeds could be just what the average motorist needs to save a few dollars at the pump.

Modern vehicles are designed to be most fuel efficient at speeds between 30 and 60 mph. Efficiency can drop sharply at speeds above 65 mph, as engines fight to overcome the effects of roadway friction and wind resistance, which rises exponentially. Based on current traffic volumes, slowing to 60 mph from 70 mph would likely cut gasoline consumption by 2 to 3 percent. More importantly, that reduction in demand would translate to a considerably larger price reduction—perhaps as much as 10 percent.

Meanwhile, slowing down can also save lives. Stopping time/distance and the force of impact vary exponentially with speed (e.g., stopping time/distance nearly quadruples when speeds are doubled). A little extra stopping time/distance could mean the difference between a near miss and a collision. And, should you have the misfortune to strike something with your vehicle, the damage incurred will be appreciably less at lower speeds.

Encourage your students to slow down, save gas, and be safe!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fraudulent Mailers Not Funny in Florida

It has been brought to our attention that mailers, allegedly from Traffic Safety Consultants/Funny in Florida (TSC/FiF), have been circulated to the American Safety Council (ASC) and its Florida affiliates — and possibly others. The mailers imply that ASC is attempting to undercut their affiliates' business, and encourage those affiliates to leave ASC for another provider. No contact information is given, but the return address is that of TSC/FiF's Florida office.

We would like to reiterate that these mailings were not issued by TSC/FiF. We find the underhanded business tactics that this mailer employs to be contemptible. Furthermore, we have always had a good working relationship with ASC and look forward to continuing that friendly acquaintance.

Should you receive one of these mailers, please forward it intact to our corporate office. Or if you have any information regarding this matter, please contact us. We are pursuing all possible legal action against the perpetrator of this fraud and would appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Marketing Traffic School Book to the Masses

Sometimes, when an exciting new product emerges on the market, it’s not immediately apparent to consumers how it will fit into their lives. Below are some tips you might use to market TSC’s first-of-its-kind Traffic School Book to prospective students:

Why choose Traffic School Book over a classroom course? Classroom courses are great. The jokes, the flipcharts, the interaction between instructor and students. It can’t be beat! The problem with a classroom course is that it requires students to go to the classroom. On a specific day. At a specific time. And sit there for four hours. Traffic School Book unleashes students and allows them to complete traffic school when and where they want — anytime, anywhere. Such freedom appeals to almost everyone, from collegians or executives on tight schedules to elderly drivers who don’t want to travel to a remote location. Students can simply toss the booklet into their briefcase or laptop/book bag and read whenever and wherever it’s convenient for them.

Why choose Traffic School Book over an Internet course? Completing traffic school on your computer can be easy, visually stimulating, and fun. Unfortunately, recent statistics indicate that nearly half of Florida’s residents lack Internet access in their homes. Students of Traffic School Book will never have to deal with computer malfunctions, Web browser issues, or Internet access problems. And, they won’t experience the eye strain that can come from reading screen after screen of small, low-resolution text from a computer monitor.

Want a story to share? Consider the story of a 19-year-old girl who was traveling with her family to New Jersey for a summer vacation. Not looking forward to the long drive, she purchased Traffic School Book so she could complete her traffic school obligation on the way and not have to worry about it later. Making “start-” and “stop calls” from her cellular phone, she had the course completed long before the family rolled into the Garden State. Now that’s making good use of “dead” time!

The long and short of it is that no method of traffic school is perfect for everyone. That’s why it’s good to have choices. If your prospective students are wondering if Traffic School Book is the right choice for them, you might mention some of the benefits:
  • Take it anytime, anywhere.
  • It’s the most convenient home study format.
  • It appeals to any demographic.
  • It’s good for those without Internet access.
  • Never worry about computer problems.
  • No monitor-related eye strain.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mobile Phones Lengthen Commutes

The problem with mobile phones isn’t simply that distracted drivers pose a collision danger (although they do!). More often than not, telephoning drivers are just plain slow, too. A recent study from the University of Utah shows that drivers who are on the phone — even with a hands-free device — drive about two miles per hour slower than drivers who are not on the phone.

The study put three dozen students in simulators and found that drivers on mobile phones are more likely to stick behind a slower vehicle, and that they change lanes about 20% less often than drivers who are not on the phone. Drivers who were on the phone took about 3% longer to drive a highly congested route, and about 2% longer to drive a moderately congested route, than did attentive drivers. Combining all factors, study author David Strayer figures that distracted drivers add an extra 5% to 10% to commuters’ travel times.

Expansion Opportunities

Would you like an opportunity to boost your revenue stream? Who wouldn't, right? In 2008, Traffic Safety Consultants will expand it's operation to new states, and we're inviting our affiliates to come along with us. This is your chance to be the first to offer exciting, new TSC products — and to transition your traffic school enterprise into a nationwide business!

Gloria Verver, TSC's Director of Affiliate Programs, will contact you within the next month with all of the details.