Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Products Arrive with "Direct Deposit"

Exciting New Courses

Traffic Safety Consultants is in the process of transitioning its product line to courses that we have developed in-house. TSC is pleased to now offer:
  • 8-Hour Intermediate Course - Internet
  • 8-Hour Intermediate Course - classroom
  • 8-Hour Aggressive Course - classroom
  • First Time Driver (TLSAE) Course - classroom

If you are not already registered to offer these expertly designed new courses, contact TSC's Director of Affiliate Programs Gloria Verver at 1-800-252-9488 or via email at


Of course, change begets change. If you've been offering the old 8-Hour Intermediate - Internet course (TSC's resell of ASC's course), there will be a slight change in operational procedures. Moneys obtained from the sale of the new 8-Hour Intermediate Internet course will go directly to your Internet payment gateway, minus the cost of TSC's completion seal. (Note that this applies only to Internet courses.) In short, you'll no longer have to wait until the end of the month for a check from TSC to realize your profits. The money goes directly into your pocket!

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