Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Reading List

It's that time again: summer…with all of its glory! Nothing to do but sit back, enjoy the sun—or the shade, and read a couple of good books. Will it be Sail by James Patterson and Howard Roughan, or Stephanie Meyer's The Host this year? Or, perhaps Three Cups of Tea is more your, well…cup of tea.

Sometimes summer also means traffic school—and that's where you can help! Try recommending TSC's Traffic School Book to your customers to help them fill out their summer reading lists. This Oopra's Book Club selection and Nu Yawk Times' Best Seller promises to be a gripping thrill ride. (Coincidentally, it could be the desire for that level of entertainment that got your students in trouble in the first place!)

No one wants to be bound (if you'll excuse the pun) to a computer terminal or stuck in a stuffy classroom on a beautiful summer day. Now, bookworms can take traffic school in their back yard, at the park, at the beach…wherever they're headed this summer. Traffic School Book allows students to complete their traffic school obligation at their own pace and at times that are convenient for them. It's an easy-to-read page turner, and the driving related humor makes it as fun as any pulp romance or spy thriller!

Don't forget the brand-new Spanish version, Libro de la escuela de tráfico, now available as a first edition. Our affiliates have had great success with this exciting Spanish language product. To place your orders for this contemporary masterpiece, contact Donna in the corporate office (donna@trafficeducation.net or 1-800-252-9951).

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