Friday, August 14, 2009

Get Yourself an Upgrade!

Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is proud to announce a few small upgrades to its Affiliate System Administration Program™ (ASAP™).

You'll access the system as always through the ASAP™ portal at Effective Monday, August 17, 2009, however, the following enhancements will be live on the site:

Redesigned Log-In Page: The log-in page has received an aesthetic make-over. The page retains its front-end functionality, and you'll still sign in securely — using your usual user name and password — as you always have. It will just look much nicer (we hope!).

Blog Link: We have added a link to the ASAP™ Control Panel page that will give you instant access to the "TSC Affiliate News" blog. An indicator will display (for seven days) when a new blog entry has been posted. This implementation means that you will no longer be receiving e-mailed notices of updates from Rick, the blog's editor. To read the blog, just click on the link and the blog will open in a new browser window.

At TSC, we are constantly striving to improve the operational experience of our affiliates, and our dedicated IT team has been hard at work behind the scenes. We hope these changes will take what is already the traffic safety education industry's leading enterprise management software application and make it even better!

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