Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Misconceptions

Affiliate programs offer outstanding financial opportunities, but your business will require some promotional efforts on your part to be successful. Here are some misconceptions that can keep affiliates from realizing the full potential of their traffic school enterprise.

Misconception #1: I Don't Need a Marketing Campaign

Every business needs a marketing campaign. This is so important that it bears repeating: every business needs a marketing campaign! At the very least, it's a sign in a window somewhere; but more effective campaigns will generate more customers—and more revenue. You don't have to live and breathe marketing, but you can see a significant increase in business by making a thoughtful effort to implement a few small changes over time. Hopefully these blog posts will inspire you and provide some useful suggestions.

Misconception #2: One Marketing Strategy is Enough to Build an Effective Campaign

One or two marketing techniques make a good start, not necessarily an effective campaign. We understand that there are lots of other duties that occupy your time each day, but not all strategies require constant tending. Issuing coupons (which we highly recommend!) involves the initial layout and an occasional reprint; beyond that, you just have to hand them out. And a magnetic sign attached to the side of your vehicle (another great suggestion!) requires nothing more than a small investment in design and application. In short, it's not all work all of the time. Merely following through with a simple but well-conceived plan can go a long way.

Misconception #3: Marketing Campaigns Run on Auto-Pilot

Marketing channels are constantly changing. Think of the recent shifts from traditional forms of mass communication to new media. Even within the new systems, there have been great transformations. Website aesthetics have evolved and functionality has dramatically improved over just the past few years. To be effective, your marketing techniques need to remain current. You don't have to embrace every fad—an exhausting and fruitless exercise. You might, however, periodically (at least on a yearly basis) review and revise your marketing plan to ensure that you're capturing all of the business that you can. It's unlikely that you'll need to completely revamp your system, but some tweaks from time to time can optimize your results.

It can seem daunting, but the purpose of all of this talk isn't to discourage you. Good marketing simply involves building your name as a trusted provider of traffic safety education. Professionalism, credibility, and regular, small improvements are the key to growing your customer base and your bottom line. And, as always, TSC is here to help you every step of the way.

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