Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How You Doin'?

Are you doing everything you can to maximize your sales and profits? The first step to making helpful changes to your marketing strategies is to assess what you're doing now. Perhaps what you've been doing is delivering satisfactory results. At the very least, you'll save time and energy by targeting your efforts on those areas that will make the biggest improvement.

By answering the following questions, you'll pinpoint your areas of success as well as opportunities for improvement. Missing or incomplete answers to these questions may highlight aspects of your marketing strategy that require attention. Ask yourself:
  • What advertising methods am I using now? Which of these successfully deliver customers and which fail to drive traffic to myoffice/website?
  • What call-to-action messages do I employ, and do they consistently prompt sales?
  • What is the average age of the prospective customers I'm targeting? Is my advertising/signage/website appropriate for those prospects?
  • Your website: The sites designed by the Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) Web development team for our affiliated partners have been optimized to maximize sales. If you're maintaining your own site, however, or if you've contributed to your site's content, ask yourself:
    • Does my site look professional?
    • Is the customer's path to purchase direct, requiring a minimal number of clicks?

IMPORTANT! Once you've identified areas that might need attention and decided upon a course of action, be sure implement your changes one at a time and track the results. That way, you'll know which tactics to incorporate into your regular marketing efforts and which you should discontinue.

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