Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quick Tips for Marketing Success

Below are some great ideas that you can use to quickly jump-start your marketing campaign:
  • Change the copy on your marketing materials (coupons, brochure, website, etc.) from a focus on your company to a focus on your clients, from a focus on selling to a focus on helping.
  • Present price in context, by explaining the value and benefits of the products you offer. If potential customers don't understand the value you provide, a reasonable price might seem high and become a barrier to sales.
  • Invest the time to write articles to establish yourself as an expert. Let your passion, personality, and professionalism stand out in all of your communications.
  • Thank each student who completes your course, and request feedback on how you might improve the customer experience.
  • Expand your business by finding ways to maintain contact with your customers and explain how you can help them to find solutions to their problems. Periodically (weekly or monthly) provide driving tips or updates to traffic laws to educate customers and encourage them to explore your website for further information.
  • Cross-promote. Educate your existing customers about other products you offer that are closely related to a product they have just purchased.
  • Start a viral marketing campaign on social bookmarking or Web 2.0 sites. Do something exciting and different (e.g., post humorous-but-educational videos to YouTube, or run contests on Facebook) and you can draw customers that you may never have thought to attract.

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