Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Marketing Tips: Stretch Your Marketing Budget

The ubiquity of soft drink and motor vehicle ads tells part of the story about why those companies are so successful. But, let's face it: Most small businesses don't have a lot of money to spend on marketing. That means you have to make every penny count!

Here are some simple tips to help you stretch your marketing budget—so you can draw in more customers without breaking the bank!
  • First and foremost, if something is working, stick with it. Don't abandon older methods just because you're bored with them. If something you're doing still has legs, if it's still drawing in customers, milk it for all it's worth!
  • Don't over-present yourself. You may be tempted to spend a load of money on four-color brochures or fancy embossing like Fortune 500 companies. Sure, it looks great, but it's far more effective to employ a well-designed piece that fits comfortably within your budget.
  • Use modular pieces. Consider using groups of promotional literature that can be assembled (e.g., into a packet or folder) from individual pieces. That way, you can customize your presentation without having to create a specific piece for each application. Having a modular system also allows you to hand out individual pieces as needed, so you're not wasting an entire, expensive piece in a situation in which it's not required.
  • Get maximum mileage out of existing content. Images, copy, and sometimes even layouts generated for one promotion can often be repurposed in other pieces to significantly reduced creative costs and effort. You don't have to reinvent the wheel for every project!
  • Use outside creatives judiciously. If you can handle projects internally, you can save a lot of money. Of course, if you don't have a creative bone in your body, getting outside help can be crucial. But make sure that you hire talent whose portfolio—and fees—are appropriate for your needs. If you do use contractors, you can save money by taking advantage of discounts and avoiding late charges by paying invoices on time. You might also foster goodwill that can result in better service and reduced prices on future projects.
"You've got to spend money to make money," the old saying goes. But if you're smart about your marketing strategies, you don't have to spend a lot of money!

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