Thursday, October 29, 2015

New Florida Office Location

Preparations are underway.
We'll be in the new office soon!
Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is moving its Florida office location!

We're not asking for help packing or setting up, but we did want to make sure that you know where you could find us. While phone, fax, email, and all other means of communication will remain unchanged, we will be changing our physical/mailing address. Effective October 15, 2015, our new address will be:

3260 North Highway 17-92
Unit 112
Longwood, Florida 32750

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect—and Profits!

The California online driver education curriculum from Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) includes a valuable Practice Permit Test component that can help young drivers to pass the written exam portion of the permitting process. Students are offered one complimentary test of fifteen questions and have the opportunity to purchase four more unique practice tests, so they can study up for their written exam.

A Great Upsell Opportunity!

An examination of the applicant's understanding of driving laws and traffic signs and signals is a required part of the driver licensing process. Because the stakes are high and the regulations many, applicants are naturally nervous about this milestone in their lives. But research shows that the opportunity for examinees to take a practice or mock version of an exam before they take the real thing has huge benefits in terms of performance! The Practice Permit Test service not only reinforces students' traffic safety knowledge and enhances their overall experience with their driver education, but it can boost their satisfaction with your program—increasing the likelihood that they'll refer their friends to your school.

Further, offering the Practice Permit Test program to your students is a quick and effortless way to earn a few extra dollars. The program is offered and administrated entirely online, and requires no work on your part. So, make sure you're mentioning this great opportunity to your students when they register for your driver ed course—for your benefit and for theirs!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Form OL 767 Translated to Spanish

Form OL 767 is now available in a
translated Spanish version.
Traffic violator schools (TVSs) are required to have students complete a Traffic Violator Course Evaluation (Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) form OL 767)—with at least their name and the school information—as a condition for successful completion of the program. The DMV released their official form upon taking over regulation of the industry in September 2011, but the form was available only in the English language. Since that time, there has been considerable discussion about how to handle the evaluation requirement for courses presented in a non-English language. Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) offered to translate the form into Spanish and the DMV has finally consented and approved our translation.

An electronic version of the Spanish evaluation has been implemented for Internet-based TVS students, similar to what has always been presented with the English course delivery. This functionality has gone live for Internet students and no further action is required on your part for this modality.

A paper-based version of the form has been uploaded to the CA Course Provider Administration website and is available for download (PDF format). Licensees of TSC's Spanish classroom- and booklet-based TVS curricula should begin using this document immediately, as regulators will be looking for the translated form during monitoring/audits. Be sure, also, to communicate to any classroom instructors in your employ that they must now distribute the translated Spanish version of form OL 767, and ensure that they have a supply sufficient to furnish a blank form to each student.

As a reminder: Students who complete a TVS course in the classroom and booklet modalities must return these forms to the school, and an evaluation from each student must be submitted with your quarterly reports to the DMV. Internet-based students' evaluations are stored electronically and must be printed (or burned to disc) for inclusion with your quarterly reports.

If you have any questions about this policy update, please contact your TSC representatives.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Change in CA Classroom Instruction Procedures

At the request of regulatory authorities, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is issuing the following update to its California classroom traffic violator school (TVS) curriculum in the English language:

Schools that have licensed TSC's English classroom TVS curriculum prior to this point were issued a DVD that included a Warm-Up Video at the start, which was to be shown prior to the start of class (while students were entering the classroom and getting comfortable). Effective immediately, the Warm-Up Video is no longer an official part of the approved curriculum and is not to be shown prior to TVS classes delivered by your school. You will not be issued a new DVD at this time, as all other material on the disc that you have remains unchanged. Simply skip the Warm-Up Video presentation prior to class and then conduct class as you normally would.

Please inform all of the instructors working for your school of this change to the curriculum. Instructors and schools are responsible for this curriculum change effective immediately.

If you have any questions about this curriculum change, please feel free to contact your TSC representatives.