Form OL 767 is now available in a
translated Spanish version. |
Traffic violator schools (TVSs) are required to have students complete a Traffic Violator Course Evaluation (Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) form OL 767)—with
at least their name and the school information—as a condition for successful completion of the program. The DMV released their official form upon taking over regulation of the industry in September 2011, but the form was available only in the English language. Since that time, there has been considerable discussion about how to handle the evaluation requirement for courses presented in a non-English language. Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) offered to translate the form into Spanish and the DMV has finally consented and approved our translation.
An electronic version of the Spanish evaluation has been implemented for Internet-based TVS students, similar to what has always been presented with the English course delivery. This functionality has gone live for Internet students and no further action is required on your part for this modality.
A paper-based version of the form has been uploaded to the CA Course Provider Administration website and is available for
download (PDF format).
Licensees of TSC's Spanish classroom- and booklet-based TVS curricula should begin using this document immediately, as regulators will be looking for the translated form during monitoring/audits. Be sure, also, to communicate to any classroom instructors in your employ that they must now distribute the translated Spanish version of form OL 767, and ensure that they have a supply sufficient to furnish a blank form to each student.
As a reminder: Students who complete a TVS course in the classroom and booklet modalities must return these forms to the school, and an evaluation from each student must be submitted with your quarterly reports to the DMV. Internet-based students' evaluations are stored electronically and must be printed (or burned to disc) for inclusion with your quarterly reports.
If you have any questions about this policy update, please contact your TSC representatives.