Thursday, October 22, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect—and Profits!

The California online driver education curriculum from Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) includes a valuable Practice Permit Test component that can help young drivers to pass the written exam portion of the permitting process. Students are offered one complimentary test of fifteen questions and have the opportunity to purchase four more unique practice tests, so they can study up for their written exam.

A Great Upsell Opportunity!

An examination of the applicant's understanding of driving laws and traffic signs and signals is a required part of the driver licensing process. Because the stakes are high and the regulations many, applicants are naturally nervous about this milestone in their lives. But research shows that the opportunity for examinees to take a practice or mock version of an exam before they take the real thing has huge benefits in terms of performance! The Practice Permit Test service not only reinforces students' traffic safety knowledge and enhances their overall experience with their driver education, but it can boost their satisfaction with your program—increasing the likelihood that they'll refer their friends to your school.

Further, offering the Practice Permit Test program to your students is a quick and effortless way to earn a few extra dollars. The program is offered and administrated entirely online, and requires no work on your part. So, make sure you're mentioning this great opportunity to your students when they register for your driver ed course—for your benefit and for theirs!

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