Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19 Response

As your curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is working hard to help you to maintain your operations through the difficult times imposed on us by the COVID-19 pandemic.

While classroom operations are obviously stalled for a time, TSC's online and booklet- or video-based courses are still available (as appropriate for your territory)—and provide excellent alternatives for your students who are observing critical social distancing practices during this time.

During this time, TSC's administrative staff will be present at the office—in a limited capacity, and observing recommended social distancing practices—under the "educational institutions facilitating distance learning" provision. Should you require administrative assistance or have questions, please feel free to contact Donna (via email or by calling 800.252.9951) or Jennifer (via email or by calling 800.259.0530), as is fitting for your need.

Stay healthy, and together we'll work through this difficult time until things return to normal!!!

COVID-19 Response – California

As your curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is working hard to help you to maintain your operations through the difficult times imposed on us by the COVID-19 pandemic.

While classroom operations are obviously stalled for a time, TSC's online and booklet-based courses are still available—and provide excellent alternatives for your students who are observing critical social distancing practices during this time.

However, please bear in mind these temporary conditions related to the coronavirus lockdown:
  • Booklet Orders: While booklet stock is still available for purchase from TSC, please note that, until COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are lifted, booklet orders may NOT be picked up in-person from TSC's offices; booklets are available through the delivery option only. Please place your orders for booklet stock and pay via the CACourseProvider administrative website (login required) as you always have, making sure to select the "Shipped" option for delivery. For your safety and ours, no exceptions will be made to this rule!
  • Continued Operations: During this time, TSC's administrative staff will be present at the office—in a limited capacity, and observing recommended social distancing practices—under the "educational institutions facilitating distance learning" provision. Should you need administrative assistance or have questions, please feel free to contact Chris (via email or by calling 800.487.1699).

Stay healthy, and together we'll work through this difficult time until things return to normal!!!

New Regulations for
Traffic Violator Schools

Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) has been working in conjunction with the California State Legislature and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to combat manipulation of the DMV's official Traffic School List. Legislation (AB 708) was passed last year that, while not entirely what we were advocating for, we hope will better the business environment for the traffic violator school (TVS) industry in the state.

We are currently waiting for updated regulations from the DMV to spell out the final details of the changes. Still, some of the provisions in the legislation are set to go into effect on July 1, 2020. Check out the text of the revised sections of the California Vehicle Code so that you can begin to make preparations to be in compliance with these new regulations.

In particular, note that the revised laws may impact:
  • the size of your TVS office
  • the location of your TVS office
  • multi-school ownership provisions

Though it is possible that the COVID-19 pandemic may delay implementation, we strongly recommend that you be ready to abide by the new rules.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

California Identity Validation Revisions

This post is a friendly reminder that, as you were previously notified, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) has revised some of the "personal identification" questions asked of students of its internet- and booklet-based traffic violator school (TVS) courses. As a licensee of TSC's TVS curriculum, the materials that you present/distribute to students are impacted by this change.

Starting today, March 4, 2020,…
  • students of your internet-based program will be presented with the new content, and no further action is required on your part.
  • your booklet students should be shipped the updated student forms, which are available from the CA Course Provider administrative website (login required). (If you sign up booklet students, the personal identification questions that you ask of them have been updated for the registration process as well.)

Please help us to enhance TVS security by presenting these new materials to students!