Thursday, February 27, 2020

California Identity Validation Revisions

As a California Department of Motor Vehicles-licensed curriculum provider, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) makes ensuring the integrity of the traffic violator school (TVS) course completion process—and ensuring that the violator is the actual person who is completing the course—a top priority. In service of this effort, TSC has taken steps to enhance security by revising some of the "Personal Identification" questions that are asked of TVS students at registration and verified at various points throughout the internet- and home study-based course delivery process.

Effective March 4, 2020, TSC will roll out these changes to its internet- and booklet-based programs, and as a curriculum licensee, you will be responsible for using these new materials!
  • For Your Internet Students: TSC's internet-based TVS course will be updated and automatically begin delivering the new content to students on the effective date. No further action is required for this modality.
  • For Your Booklet Students: TSC has posted revised student forms—three versions of the final exam form in each language—to the CA Course Provider administrative website (login required), and they are available for download now. Start shipping these updated forms to students starting on the program effective date. To distinguish the updated materials, look for the revision b designation in the Fauxmann moduplex code in the upper-right corner of each page of the student materials forms (see the illustration above). Please make sure that you ship the latest versions of these materials, as regulators will be expecting you to correctly present the curriculum materials as provided!

Remember: These changes will take effect on March 4, 2020. Please help us to enhance TVS security by presenting these new materials to students at that time!

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