Wednesday, March 4, 2020

California Identity Validation Revisions

This post is a friendly reminder that, as you were previously notified, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) has revised some of the "personal identification" questions asked of students of its internet- and booklet-based traffic violator school (TVS) courses. As a licensee of TSC's TVS curriculum, the materials that you present/distribute to students are impacted by this change.

Starting today, March 4, 2020,…
  • students of your internet-based program will be presented with the new content, and no further action is required on your part.
  • your booklet students should be shipped the updated student forms, which are available from the CA Course Provider administrative website (login required). (If you sign up booklet students, the personal identification questions that you ask of them have been updated for the registration process as well.)

Please help us to enhance TVS security by presenting these new materials to students!

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