Monday, June 9, 2014

SEO and Meta Tags

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process by which you drive traffic to your Website using keywords and other content enhancement techniques. This is not to be confused with Pay per Click (PPC), which drives clicks (i.e., readership) through paid placements, such as ads and banners. The purpose in either case is to drive visitors—and potential customers—to your site.

SEO Priorities

Meta tags are text that is invisible to readers of the site but which is accessbile by search engines. Meta tags are included in a Web page's meta data (information about the page itself; not the information that is presented to visitors to the page) directly below the page's title tag, and they offer a straightforward technique for effectively driving SEO priorities. These short, descriptive tags accurately summarize the content that the page is presenting for consumption and, if done right, could drive clicks.

Here are a few tips for writing eye-popping meta tags:
  • Don't just inform users about a page's content. Entice them to follow the link.
  • Draw users into your site with wit and humor. Veer away from dry descriptions that do little more than provide information. Instead, create a picture of what users can expect inside the website.
  • Create a unique meta tag—meaning it has its own description—for each page on your Website.
Using a well-directed SEO plan, you can ensure that your Website appears high in search engine results and gets presented to consumers who might be looking for your services. Meta tags are a critical part of your SEO campaign, but they're just a part. Keep checking back here periodically for more helpful tips on improving your search engine marketing campaign!

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