Monday, June 23, 2014

Winning Through SEO

Effective search engine optimization (SEO) is about designing and executing a strong marketing plan. While you may not be an expert in SEO strategy, your website can benefit from a few simple tips. Check out these suggestions to see where you might be able to improve your online marketing strategies:
  1. Create a click-friendly URL scheme using keywords that relate to each designated Web page. The URL is a perfect example. Here, users understand that by following the link, they are going to the registration page of Online Traffic School.
  2. Create a navigation structure that makes it easy for users to move through your website. Offering a site map, for instance, could help users more quickly and more efficiently find key Web pages, such as FAQs and registration.
  3. Stick to well-polished, well-researched content that is of benefit to your customers. You don't want to give your customers any reason to "opt-out" of future engagement and correspondence.
  4. Link your website—or select Web pages—back to your social media pages.
  5. Print the name of your website on the back of business cards, and other printed material. Or better yet, consider making the name of your business a URL, as we've previously discussed on this blog.
  6. As with any SEO plan, you want to make your website as user-friendly as possible. Whether you anchor text (making it clickable for users to see as a result of a link) or optimize your content through colorful illustrations and eye-popping videos (which, by the way, drives up SEO!) your goal for your content should be the same: to present quality material that keeps customers interested and coming back for more!
  7. Consider using Google Analytics or another service for site statistics. Track how much "natural" traffic you're now attracting through search queries and which keywords are driving this traffic. Then, reuse successful strategies in the future.

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