Wednesday, February 12, 2020

California Lesson Plan Updates

This year, in response to AB-2918 from the 2018 legislative session, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) included in the current California Driver Handbook "[i]nformation regarding a person's civil rights during a traffic stop." Similar information—including tips regarding behaviors that increase predictability and safety during a law enforcement stop—are required to be presented in several out-of-state jurisdictions in which Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) offers regulator-approved traffic safety programs. And in light of events that have occurred across the nation over the past several years, we felt that it was important to include this information in our programs for the benefit and safety of our students, law enforcement officers, and the general public.

All programs (driver education, traffic violator school (TVS), and mature driver courses) in all modalities (online, home study booklet, and classroom) and in all languages (English and Spanish) available have been updated with this material as part of the annual legislative update revisions.

For Internet- and booklet-based programs, the information is already included in the curriculum materials. If your school offers classroom-based courses, please ensure that your instructors are presenting this valuable information in class! This material has been added:
  • driver education - to supplement the information previously presented in the "Law Enforcement Stops" section at the end of "Chapter 2: Driver and Vehicle Licensing."
  • traffic violator school - in a new section, "Law Enforcement Stops," in the chapter "Rules of the Road."

Again, we urge you to please remember to present this helpful information in every class that you conduct—and it might just save a life!

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