Sunday, June 28, 2015

Welcome, Driver Education Affiliates!

Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) is pleased to announce the launch of our newest California driving schools into the TSC affiliate program. We're recently brought a handful of schools online and expect more in the coming months. We welcome you to the TSC family and wish you all the best!

When you see a "new post" alert on the home page of your Course Provider management account, be sure to click through and check out the TSC Affiliate News blog. We’ll be posting periodically to keep you up-to-date on new products and developments at TSC headquarters, to offer helpful suggestions on managing and marketing your driving/traffic school, and to inform you of industry related information that could affect you and your operations.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Order Your Spanish TVS Books Today!

As you know, Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., (TSC) introduced earlier this year our traffic violator school (TVS) home study booklet in Spanish. This is just a quick reminder that, when requesting book stock, you must select the language for the books you are ordering. Make your selection via the "Book Language" drop down menu on the "Request Book Stock" page, between where you input the number of books you are ordering and indicate the payment method. (See the screen capture to the right.)

Note that the default language is "English," and your books will be shipped in that language unless otherwise specified.

Thank you for your business, and we wish you continued success with your traffic safety school!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Driving Fitness: Posture

An automobile crash isn't the only way motorists can come to harm while driving. Simply being in the vehicle can cause physical problems. Our bodies weren't meant to sit for extended periods of time, and reaching for vehicle controls can put stress and strain on anatomical structures. Suggest the tips below to students who are concerned about staying healthy behind the wheel:

The basic principle for your driving posture is to avoid as much strain as possible on the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the spine, while making yourself as comfortable as possible.

  1. Pause once you sit down in the vehicle and adjust yourself so you're sitting evenly in the seat. If the seat is correctly designed and adjusted, it should support your entire back, but in particular the lower lumbar region.
  2. Experts recommend that you sit inclined at an angle of 110°.
  3. Your feet should reach the pedals easily.
  4. You should be able to see in the rearview mirror by glancing with your eyes; your head should stay facing straight ahead and you should avoid stretching or craning your neck to see.
  5. You should be able to reach the wheel comfortably, without any strain in your wrists, forearms, or shoulders. If you feel yourself getting tense, be sure to adjust your seat accordingly.
Drivers who are sitting properly will feel better and will be better positioned to detect hazards and to make evasive maneuvers as needed. Stay safe out there!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Driving Sales for Driving and Traffic Schools

In a previous post, we discussed the art of maintaining good office practices—some of which are even required by regulation (depending on your industry). Providing exceptional customer service can help you to win and retain satisfied customers. And happy customers will be refer still more business your way.

So…what's the #1 thing you can do around the office to boost your sales?

Answer Your Phone!

The best and easiest way to capture a sale is to answer your phone and make your sales pitch directly to potential students. By talking up your program, you can explain its merits and the value proposition; and by providing the opportunity for prospects to talk to a "real human being," you can easily demonstrate to them the kind of customer service that they'll get as valued customers. Make sure that you also offer to register them for the program right then and there—it not only provides them with outstanding customer service, but it negates the opportunity for them to shop around and sign up with another provider. Moreover, it's the single most effective thing you can do to make sure you get the sale!

Meeting customer expectations is critically important for success in business. Failing to answer your phone—or waiting long periods of time to respond to a customer's inquiry, whether they contacted you by phone or some other method—could have a lasting negative impact on your bottom line.

Remember to pick up the phone and to provide your customers the same level of customer service you'd like to receive. These simple tips can drive customers your way and ensure your that school thrives!